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  • This power IS NOT A BOT, it is the ability to add a bot to a chat
  • Bot should only access one chat at a time
  • xat could withdraw the power and refund the purchase price without warning
  • If you have this power you can use one bot on your chat, if there is an attempt to put more then one bot on a chat, it will be considered abuse and your chat will be removed from the xat lists/charts.
  • Abusing the bot or if the bot breaks the xat terms your chat could be deleted and you will lose the power.
  • If you use a 3rd party bot you have to give the bot ID password to the 3rd party BUT you do not have to give them access to the bot email
  • Bots cannot trade so the powers / days that the bot has are safe.
  • Bots cannot transfer xats or days
  • This is the only acceptable way to connect a bot to xat
  • If your bot service is abusive, the bot service server(s) could be blocked from accessing xat
  • Bots must adhere to the xat terms
  • Bots must use a registered ID

Bot Service Providers

WARNING: Unfortunately some bot sites may be Phishing sites so we've created a list of what we believe to be reliable and have not as of yet had issues with to use. Please note that, while these sites are known to provide working bots, it does NOT mean that endorses them on any level, nor are they managed by xat staff. It also suspected that the chat-rooms listed here are to give support relating to the BOT power and to be welcoming and appropriate for all legitimate users of

CAUTION: Never share your email, xat passwords, or details with any bot service. Create a new xat account for your bot instead.

ARCbots' Advanced Really Cool Bots'

  • For ARCbots Support System click here.
  • ARCbots also provides ways to use your bot for free:
  • ARCbots provide free bots to all official and tribute xat chat groups.
  • ARCbots can be used for free while a chat group is on Promotion.
  • ARCbots come with 120 hour free trial, before purchasing a paid bot.
  • ARCbots also has a first come, first serve, FREE server. Free vs Paid

FEXBots Futuristic Entities of xat.

  • FEXBots allows you to freeze your time when not using the bot.
  • FEXBots is available in all languages with translations.
  • FEXBots provides you with a bot account with every power.
  • FEXBots come with 96 hour trial period before buying.
  • FEXBots also provides ways to use your bot for free:
  • FEXBots provide free bots to all official chats, tribute xat chat groups and xat volunteers.
  • FEXBots can be used for free while a chat group is on Promotion along with time being added.
  • FEXBots will reward you with more bot time if you submit a valid bug, or give a suggestion that's used.

LP89 Bots'

  • LP89 is available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Albanian, Romanian, Bosniac.
  • Free service for limited times

OceanProject International Bot Hoster'

  • OceanProject provides a free service that includes everypower.
  • You can find OceanProject's commands here.
  • OceanProject is available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

xBots xat Bots

  • For xBots Support System click here.
  • xBots come with a 7 days trial period before buying.
  • xBots provides you a bot account with all needed powers.
  • xBots can be used for free while a chat group is on Promotion.
  • xBots offers you a way to get free paytime over a special AdsPaySystem. Click here for more information.
  • xBots provides you a special reward system for referral new users, reporting valid bugs and suggesting new commands/functions.
  • xBots provides free bots to all official and tribute xat chat groups.
  • xBots is available in English, German, Turkish, Portuguese, Arabic and Spanish.

How to Assign your BOT Power


First assign the bot power and now press the edit button as shown above.

This can be done by typing (BOT) in the chat, click on the power, and click ASSIGN

After you have assigned the (BOT) power, Edit Your Chat, and go to the BOT power settings


Now input the BOT ID of the xat account that is going to be the bot entering the chatroom and press OK

After you input the BOT's xat account ID, check the BOT power then click Update these options at the bottom and your bot should be allowed to connect to your chat box.