
From xat wiki

xat's search feature allows you to search for what people are chatting about.

Here are some more details about how it works:

Private messages, private chats, and messages sent in a rankpool are not searchable.

Messages up to 8 hours old are searchable.

Currently you can search messages only. You cannot search for regnames or IDs.

Advanced Usage

xat AND chat - Search messages that contain both "xat" and "chat".

xat OR chat - Search messages that contain either "xat" or "chat".

xat+chat - Search messages that contain the phrase "xat chat".

The example below will search for messages like "football is fun" or "baseball is exciting". It will NOT include results with "football is exciting".

(football AND (fun OR boring)) OR (baseball (exciting OR uneventful))

How to opt out?

If you do not want your chat to appear on search, hover over "group" at the top right of your chat and click "customize". Alternatively, you can use the direct edit group link. Once you've entered your chat password, go to settings and scroll down to "additional options" and enable "Don't include this chat box on any lists or charts". This will remove your chatroom's messages from being searched. Note: This will also remove you from, promoting etc. You may undo this at any time.

If you set your chat to "don't list...", "don't store messages... " OR "members only...", messages are not searched.

This is on a chat-by-chat basis, so you may want to ask the owners if search is removed (or try to search for messages yourself) if you are cautious. There is no way to block your account from showing up.