Proteção de Conta

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Este artigo vai lhe fornecer com informações sobre as diferentes opções de segurança no xat e como elas funcionam. Embora essas opções de segurança podem aumentar a segurança da sua conta, você não deve contar com elas completamente. Nós também temos outros guias de segurança que você pode querer verificar.

IMPORTANT: xat staff or volunteers will never ask you to reduce your account protection, nor any other security feature. If anyone asks you to reduce your account protection, they could be trying to access your account and steal your xats/days/powers.

Proteção de Conta

There are three types of Account Protection on xat. This system is in place to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to your account. The default type of protection is type 2.

To adjust these settings, go to Once you have logged in successfully, scroll down to the security settings. Once you have selected the type of protection you want, click "Update security settings".

1- Country

This type lets you log in from anywhere within your country without a security check email, even if you're using a different internet provider or IP address to your home location. This is the lowest level of protection. If you attempt to log in from a different country to your home location, you will receive E30/E64.

2 - Internet provider

This type restricts you to logging in from the same internet provider (e.g. Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner Cable) as your home location, although you can change locations or IP address. You are also required to log in through a security check email sent to the email address that you used to create your xat account. This email contains a special link that changes every time you log in, so you don't need to save it. This is the medium level of protection. If you randomly receive a login link via email when you have not attempted to log in, you should immediately change your account password. If you attempt to log in from a different internet provider to your home location, you will receive E30/E64.

3 - IP address

This type restricts you to logging in from the same IP address and location as your home location. You are also required to log in through a security check email, as described above. This is the highest level of protection. If you attempt to log in from a different IP address (e.g. a dynamic IP address) to your home location, you will receive E30/E64. If you attempt to log in from a different location to the one you selected type 3 at (i.e. your home location), you will receive E29 and be locked out of your account.

Account Protection Holds

3-day hold

Reducing your Account Protection type from 2 to 1 will place a 3-day hold on your account for security purposes. Reducing your type from 3 to 2 will not trigger this hold.

5-day hold

Se o xat detecta irregularidades na sua conta e suspeita de Phishing na sua conta, você poderá ser bloqueado de realizar transferências e negociações por 5 dias. Isso lhe dá tempo para resolver o problema e previne invasores de transferir seus xats e days. Isso não pode ser desativado e se aplica à todas as contas.

Your account may also be held for 5 days if there's activity from a different location, internet provider or IP address to your home location.

Autenticação de Conta

As an extended layer of protection, you may consider enabling 2-step verification on the email address associated with your xat account, if your email address provider offers this service. This can stop users from stealing your xat account even when they know the password of your email address.

Perguntas Frequentes

Q. What is my home location?

Your home location is the location, internet provider and IP address you had at the time of registering your account or last having a location update.

P. O que são E30/E64?

These errors require you to check your emails to log in. The email address associated with your account will have received a security check email, which is essential to log in.

Q. What is the security check email?

This is an automated email sent from xat to the email address associated with your account. This email contains a special login link. If you receive an email like this and haven't tried to log in, you should change your password immediately.

P. O que acontece se eu tiver o bloqueio de conta habilitado e eu tentar fazer login em outro computador em outro lugar?

Você não será capaz de fazer login. Certifique-se de desabilitar o bloqueio de conta se você estiver planejando viajar ou se mudar.

Make sure to change your account protection type to 1 or 2 (depending on your situation) if you are planning to travel or move.

P. Se eu tiver um IP dinâmico, eu ainda posso fazer login com a proteção Bloqueio de Conta ativada? Ela irá se ajustar ao meu IP dinâmico?

Em alguns casos, o bloqueio de conta não funciona com IPs dinâmicos. Depende de como o seu IP dinâmico está configurado. Também não é recomendado usar o bloqueio de conta se você possui um IP dinâmico.

It depends on how your dynamic IP is set up. It is not recommended to use type 3 if you have a dynamic IP.

P. Estou bloqueado! O que fazer?

Vá para e abra um ticket com o "Help Topic" definido para "Locked Out". Para um tutorial mais detalhado sobre como faze-lo, por favor consulte o guia bloqueado.

For a more detailed tutorial on how to do so, please see the Locked out guide.

P. Se eu tiver um laptop, eu posso permanecer sempre logado?

O Bloqueio de Conta depende de onde é sua localização. Se você levar seu laptop ou outro dispositivo para outro local e tentar logar em sua conta, você será bloqueado.

If you take your laptop or other device to a different location to your home location and attempt to log in to your account, you will be locked out.

P. Por que eu não posso ligar o bloqueio?

Se você se moveu do local de onde sua conta foi originalmente criada, abra um ticket e peça por uma atualização de localização.