
From xat wiki
Revision as of 00:17, 7 July 2016 by Brandon (talk | contribs)

Contributors are a group of diverse users on the forum who provide their opinions on topics that involve changes on xat that affect the community. Typically, xat staff provide the topics of discussion. Some contributors may be a part of other groups, meaning you will find that forum moderators, most wiki staff, and chat managers are contributors. Volunteers are also contributors by default.

In order to prevent the group from turning into an echo chamber, a major goal for xat staff is to keep the group of contributors as diverse as possible. Contributors are encouraged to give their true opinions without worrying how other contributors may perceive these opinions. However, contributors should aim to represent or present the sentiments of all factions of the greater xat community.

Like Volunteers, contributors have no special indication other than on the forum. Sensitive information should not be sent to contributors, and contributors are unable to answer support requests or aid in matters relating to support requests. Contributors are normal users who volunteer their time to improve xat.


Forum Name: xat ID:
Amie jr.png Amie (147050154)
Davide it.png Davide (190294)
Kaay us.png Kaay (131313)
Maverick Maverick (1070)
Nathan us.png Nathan (1534333396)
Page br.png Page (10000053)
Raven ro.png Raven (21210303)
R0B it.png xR0B (129030692)
Sephiroth ro.png Seph (70007000)
Stif br.png Stif (344107857)
Tired en.png Tired (280332895)

How to Become a Contributor

Although becoming a contributor is not incredibly difficult, there is no set guide on how to become one. Here are some qualities that are looked for in a contributor:

  • Is fairly active on the forum
  • Is looking to make a difference on xat
  • Has a strong, positive history with xat
  • Has a professional demeanor when interacting with other users