
From xat wiki
Revision as of 22:12, 29 February 2016 by Isk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Come giocare==")

Non avrai bisogno del power per giocare. Potrai trovare chat che giocano a freccette nel seguente link: http://web.xat.com/games_chat.php o potrai andare su http://xat.com/Game se vuoi maggiori dettagli e più giochi.

Come utilizzarlo

  • Per utilizzare il power Darts, ottienilo prima su http://xat.com/getpowers, poi clicca su Games a sinistra, quindi clicca su Darts.
  • Scrivi (darts) sulla tua chat per assegnare il power, poi clicca su Edit e seleziona la casella di fianco al power.


  • Per giocare a questo gioco, apri l'applicazione Darts cliccando su "Games" e poi "Darts" e poi chiama lo ZingBot sulla tua chat attraverso il commando !bot
  • Scrivi:!start (sulla stanza)- Il gioco di freccette inizierà (solo se la modalità Race è attiva, se la modalità individuale è attiva potrai iniziare immediatamente cliccando sull'applicazione)

Come giocare

  • Every time the game will start you will have 0 points
  • To get points you will have to throw darts at the targets. If you hit the red dot, you will get a bullseye which gives you the highest amount of points. The closer you are to the red dot, the more points you will get.


The power is required to use any of the commands. You are required to be on the application to use the commands as well.

  • !bot [lang] The bot will start with the language you choose. Examples are:
    • !bot en (english)
    • !bot es (spanish)
    • !bot pt (portuguese)
    • !bot ro (romanian)
    • !bot it (italian)
    • !bot fr (french)
    • !bot al (albanian)
  • !help The bot will private message you with all the available commands.
  • !start This command will start the game.


These can be changed in Extra Features of your chat under edit options.

  • "Controller Rank" This setting allows you to set the minimum rank for use of the bot.
  • "Play time (s)" This setting allows you to set the default play time in seconds.
  • "Results time (s)" This setting allows you to set the default result display time in seconds.
  • "Game type" This setting allows you to set the type of the game (Race or Individual).
  • "Target score" This setting allows you to set the target score to end the game (only applies when individual mode is set)
  • "Prize" This setting allows you to set the prize for the game. e.g you can set member as the prize


  • When the power is assigned you can set the individual or race mode via extra features.
  • Individual mode allows each player to hit a target score. When they hit the target score, if a prize is set they will win the prize.
  • Race mode is a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete to get the highest score within 60 seconds. If a prize is set, the person who gets the highest score will win the prize.
  • Bonus smilies are:

