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Această pagină conține o listă a mesajelor de eroare pe xat, ce înseamnă și pașii care trebuie să fie urmați pentru a rezolva erorile.

Erori de management de cont

E4 - Deja înregistrat
ID-ul pe care încercați să-l înregistrați, a fost deja înregistrat, ar trebui să fiți capabil să vă logați. Dacă nu v-ați înregistrat, urmați ghidul ID nou pentru a primi alt ID de înregistrare.

E6 - Numele de utilizator este luat.

E7 - E-mailul este deja în uz.
E-mailul care a fost introdus este deja asociat cu alt cont xat, dacă deja aveți un cont, resetați-vă parola aici.

E13 - Nu a fost găsit.

E14 - Parolă greșită.
Parola care a fost introdusă este incorectă, dacă ați uitat-o, resetați-o aici.
E15 - Email-ul nu este valid.
E-mailul care a fost introdus nu este valabil, e-mailurile vin în formatul: [email protected]
E17 - Email-ul nu este găsit, sau numele de utilizator nu poate fi schimbat.
In relation to email, the email being entered is not linked to xat account. If it has been forgotten, register a new account and then open a ticket under "Lost Access". In relation to a username, you must wait 7 days between each username change.

E19 - Ne pare rău, numele este deja luat.

E20 - Nu se poate șterge contul din cauza schimbării numelui de utilizator sau recenta înregistrare.
Trebuie să așteptați 14 zile între ștergerea unui cont după înregistrare, sau schimbarea numelui de utilizator.
E21 - Dezactivați autentificarea înainte de a șterge un cont.
Autentificarea trebuie să fie oprită înainte să ștergeți un cont de xat, învățați cum să o faceți aici.
E22 - Verificaţi-vă adresa de email pentru logare şi ştergerea contului dumneavoastră.
Ștergerea unui cont trebuie să fie verificată prin intermediul e-mail.
E23 - Nu puteți șterge un cont care are xats, zile sau puteri.
Un cont de xat trebuie neapărat să aibă 0 xats, 0 zile și nicio putere înainte să fie șters. Notați că poate să arate 0 zile, dar s-ar putea să mai aveți căteva ore rămase pe contul dumneavoastră.
E25 - Nume de utilizator/Email sau Parolă incorectă.
Fie nume de utilizator, e-mailul sau parola sunt incorecte. Folosiți această pagină pentru a recupera numele de utilizator sau/și parola.
E26 - Contul nu este activat.
Dacă contul este nou creat, verificați e-mailul asociat cu contul dumneavoastră și click pe link-ul de activare. Dacă contul nu este nou, un tichet trebuie să fie creat folosind e-mailul asociat cu contul pentru a avea această eroare fixată.

E27 - Email-ul a fost blocat.

E28 - Cont șters. (Deschideți un tichet.)
The account has been deleted for breaking the xat Terms of Service. A ticket will need to be created under Help Topic "Account Block" using the email associated with the account to have this error fixed.
E29 - Blocat
This account is locked to another location. A ticket must be opened under Help Topic "Locked out" to solve this error.
E30 - Verificați adresa dvs. de email. (Verificare de securitate.)
The email associated with the account has been sent a login pin to verify you are the owner of the account.
E31 - Nu vă puteţi bloca contul. Poate fi necesară Actualizare a locaţiei.
Account locking can only be turned on at your home location. A ticket must be opened under Help Topic "Location Update" to solve this error.
E33 - Va rugăm setați-vă ora pe dispozitivul dumneavoastră.
The time on your device does not match with xat's time, try re-syncing the device's clock.
E34 - Nu s-a reuşit activarea autorizaţiei. Încercaţi din nou.
Resetați procesul de activare.
E35 - Cod de autentificare incorect.
Codul nu este introdus corect, încercați să-l introduceți din nou. Dacă continuați să primiți această eroare, încercați re-sincronizarea dispozitivului cu Google.
E36 - Login necesită cod autentificator.
Enter an authentication code to continue logging in.

E37 - Enter authenticator code to verify request to disable Account Authentication.

E39 - Password was too short. Must be at least 6 characters long.

E40 - Passwords are not the same.

E42 - Email is not valid.
The email being inputted is not a valid email, emails come in the format: [email protected]
E43 - Email is blocked (Register with a different email)
The email provider entered has been blocked, use another email, preferably Gmail.

E44 - Bad user ID. Please login and try again.

E45 - Login and try again.

E46 - ID was not found.
A ticket must be made under Help Topic "Lost Access" using the email associated with the account to get the k2 repaired.

E47 - Name is too long or contains bad letters. Must be between 10-18 characters.

E48 - Name is not allowed.
The name inputted has a reserved word, such as "xat" or contains an inappropriate word. Try another name.

E49 - First letter must not be a number.

E50 - Bad user ID. Sorry you can't register.
The ID you are trying to register has already been registered, you should be able to login. If you did not register, follow the new ID guide to get another ID to register.
E51 - The ID has been registered before or was deleted (email reused) and can no longer be register.
A ticket must be made using an existing account under "Lost Access" to have this fixed, remember to include the ID you tried to register.
E55 - Account was deleted. (Open a ticket.)
The account has been deleted for breaking the xat Terms of Service. A ticket will need to be created under Help Topic "Account Block" using the email associated with the account to have this error solved.
E64 - Check your email. (Security check.)
The email associated with the account has been sent a login pin to verify you are the owner of the account.

Erori de sistem/Blocari

System problem (1): Error when creating a group.
Complete the reCAPTCHA and accept the Terms of Service, and then try again.
System problem (2): Cannot register that ID.
You cannot activate an ID from a different location than from where it was registered.
System problem (10): Cannot register that ID.
The ID you are trying to register has already been registered, you should be able to login. If you did not register, follow the new ID guide to get another ID to register.
System problem (11): Cannot delete account due to transfer block.
You cannot delete an account that has a transfer block. A ticket must be created under Help topic "Account Block" to fix this error.
System problem (12): Cannot delete account or change name due to transfer hold.
You cannot delete an account that is held. Wait out the hold, or a ticket must be created under Help topic "Account Hold" to fix this error.

System problem (13): Login with locking/protection turned ON.

System problem (14): Login is currently undergoing maintenance. Try to login again later.

System problem (20): You need to re-login.

System problem (21): You need to redo the trade by refreshing on the chat or re-login.

System problem (23): User has mint power.
The user must disable mint power in order to reduce the minimum transfer amount so you are able to send them xats or days.
System problem (25): Multiple features have been disabled due to breaking terms of service or security.
A ticket must be created under Account Block help topic to find solve this error.
System problem (26): The recipient of your transfer has a transfer block.
The recipient of your transfer is indefinitely held and a ticket must be created under Help topic "Account Block".

System problem (27): You have too many days and need to trade some or use DX.

System problem (28): Trying to send too many xats/days.
The maximum you can send per trade or transfer is 100,000 xats or 9999 days.
System problem (29): Other user is likely using third-party programs to edit the trade.
Take a sufficient proof of screenshot and report the user to a moderator of the chat and then report to ticket under Report Scam help topic.
System problem (30): You cannot buy powers.
Your account has been blocked from buying powers. A ticket will need to be opened under Help Topic "Account Block" to have this error solved.
System problem (31): You cannot promote a group.
Your account has been blocked from promoting chats. A ticket will need to be opened under Help Topic "Account Block" to have this error solved.
System problem (32): Cannot buy power(s) because all account transactions are suspended.
A ticket under Help Topic "Account Block" is needed to solve this error.
System problem (33): Temporary transfer hold. Blocks only outgoing transfers, and trades.
Wait out the duration of the hold and if the hold doesn't decrease, then a ticket will need to be created under the "Account Hold" help topic.

System problem (40): Trade is currently undergoing maintenance. Try to trade again later.

System problem (42): Cannot trade this power.
Tickle cannot be traded.

System problem (43): Cannot trade 1 day for 1 day.

System problem (47): Cannot transfer to celebrity (trading works).

System problem (49): The user is no longer online.

System problem (51): Attempting to trade to a Bot or a mobile user.

System problem (55): Your account is held indefinitely. Blocks all outgoing trades and transfers.
A ticket must be created under Account Block help topic to find solve this error.
System problem (56): The recipient of your transfer has a transfer block.
The recipient of your transfer is indefinitely held and a ticket must be created under Help topic "Account Block".

System problem (99): Server issues. Try again later.

Erori de Grup

Not available (1): Group has not been deemed inactive (must be 3 months of no staff).

Not available (5): Group has been delisted.
Group has most likely been delisted due to breaking xat's Terms of Service. A ticket must be opened under "Chat Block" to find out why it was delisted.
Not available (6): Group has already been purchased.
Group has already been purchased once and can't be purchased again.

Not available (7): Group was created less than 6 months ago.

Not available (8): Group was deleted.
A ticket must be created under "Chat Block" to find out the reason why the chat has been deleted.

Not available (9): Group has a low ID.

Not available (11): Group has not been deemed inactive (must be 3 months of no staff).

Not available (12): Group name has a reserved word.
The group name has a reserved word such as "xat" or "chat". Choose another name.

Not available (13): Group cannot be purchased.

Erori cu Privire la Numele Scurte (short names)

Name taken (1): Sorry, name already taken.

Name taken (2): Sorry, name already taken.
Name can be enabled again, open a ticket if you are a paid user and would like it.

Nu este permis: Cuvânt rezervat de exemplu "xat" sau un cuvânt neadecvat în nume.

Erori cu Privire la Sistemul de Bilete (Ticket System)

403 - Email-ul dumneavoastră este pe lista de ban (nu puteţi crea ticket).
The email associated with that account is banned from opening tickets, contact a volunteer on chat or on the forum for help.