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Revision as of 08:08, 2 October 2016 by Sevda (talk | contribs)

Xat hediye yollama sistemi olusturdu, bu size istediginiz kisilere dogum günleri yil dönümleri veya herhangi bir baska nedenle fantastik hediyeler yollamayi sagliyor.

Hediye uygulamalari

Gift uygulamasi size yollanan hediyeleri göstermek icin kullanilir, ve diger kullanicilara yollanan hediyeleri görmek icin.

Hediyeyi görmek icin, ismine sonra Giftse tikla, yada genele "gift" yaz üstüne tikla bu hediyeyi görmeni saglar. Baska birinin hediyelerini görmek icin, ismine ve daha sonra Gifts yazisina tikla.

Eger giftin üstüne tiklarsan, büyür. Mesaji görmek icin tekrar tikla:

If you view the message of one of the gifts you've received, you will also see the "Make Private" and "Delete" options.

Hediye yollama

Template:Img is only allowed in User: namespace. Use [[File:]] (more on that here) or Template:Gallery on articles instead.

To send a Gift, click the user that you wish to send a Gift to and click "Gifts".

Front - Enter a short message to appear on the front of the Gift (optional).

Message - Enter a longer message to appear on the flip side of the gift.

Password - Your xat password.

Private message - If checked, the message on the back of the Gift will be private.

Before you purchase a Gift (by clicking) , you can preview it by hovering over it and it will show up in the Gift application at the side. Once you have chosen a Gift, click on it to send it.

Other Features

  • If you use the (gifts) smiley, users can click it to view your gifts.
  • If you have at least one gift, you can use the gift hat (hat#g).


Eger hediyeler icin önerileriniz varsa bize burdan bildirin http://forum.xat.com/forum/7-suggestions/