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Hearts power vam omogućava da igrate klasičnu hearts igru do 4 igrača, uključujući i domaćina, na chatu

Pokretanje igre i kontrola bot igre

Da biste pokrenuli igru Hearts, prvo morate postaviti bota za igru na chatu tako što otvorite aplikaciju Hearts i ukucate "!Bot" u glavni chat.

Nakon osposobite igru, možete dodati igrače u igru. Da biste dodali igrača, otvorite privatni chat s njima i kliknite njihov xavi u aplikaciji. Provjerite da li je aplikacija otvorena ili ih nećete moći dodati.

Kada dodate sve igrače, možete pokrenuti igru tako što ćete upisati "!play" u glavnom chatu ili kliknuti ikonu nastavka u donjem desnom dijelu aplikacije. Ako nemate 4 igrača, bot će biti dodijeljen svakom igraču koji nedostaje.

Domaćin može u bilo kom trenutku zaustaviti igru tako što ukucati "!pause" u glavnom chatu. Da biste nastavili, ukucajte "!play" ili kliknite na ikonu sa nastavkom u donjem desnom uglu aplikacije. Domaćin takođe može promijeniti zadanu količinu bodova koje korisnik mora da dostigne prije nego što igra završi tako što ukuca "!end", a zatim slijedi broj bodova do kojih korisnik mora stići, na primjer "!end 10".

Ako želite postaviti nagradu, prvo morate prenijeti xats u igru bot. Možete postaviti iznos xats za dobitnike koju će dobiti putem komande "prize", na primjer "!prize 25" će dodijeliti 25 xats za pobjednika.

Game information

Below you will find basic information about the game. Click here if you would like to see a more in-depth strategy guide, as well as some secret tips.

The objective of Hearts is to end up with the least amount of points by the end of the game. The game ends whenever a player reaches the maximum amount of points, as mentioned above. In a normal game of hearts, all 52 cards are split evenly between four players, resulting in each player having 13 cards.

Before the game starts, each player chooses three of their cards to pass to their left. Players normally wish to give away their "bad cards", such as kings, queens, or aces. Once each player has passed three cards, the player who owns the 2 of Clubs starts the game.

Once the 2 of Clubs is played, the player to the hosts' left must play a club. If they do not have a club, they may play another suit. (Note: on the very first trick, you are not allowed to play a heart card.) Next, the player to their left must play a club. Again, if they do not have a club, they may play another suit. Finally, the fourth player must play one of their clubs. The same rules apply as above. Once the first trick has finished, the second trick will start and all four players will then pass their cards to the right. During the beginning of the third trick, the three cards that you wish to give away are passed across the table. Finally, on the fourth trick of the game, players do not pass any cards at the beginning of the trick.

What is a "trick"?

A trick is the set of four cards in the middle of the table, one card coming from each of the four players. In the very first trick, the 2 of Clubs is always the first card. No player is permitted to play a heart card in the very first trick. After that, the next player will play a card, and the circle continues. Keep in mind, after the first trick is completed, the next one cannot start with a heart until the hearts are broken.

In simple terms, a heart cannot be played as the first suit in a trick until a player cannot follow suit. For example, if a player starts the trick with a club, and the next player in line cannot play a club, they're allowed to play a heart. Now, the hearts are broken. This move is only allowed to happen after the very first trick has been completed.

Who takes the trick?

Whoever played the highest valued card in the pile takes the trick. If the trick contains hearts, each one is worth one point. Likewise, if the trick contains the Queen of Spades, then that is worth 13 points. The highest valued card is an Ace, with the King following behind, then the Queen, and then the Jack. This means that two is the lowest valued card.

After 13 tricks have been completed, points are totalled and the process starts again. Remember, each heart is worth one point and the Queen of Spades is worth 13. Once a player reaches 100 points, the game is declared over and the player with the lowest amount of points wins. As mentioned above, the host of the game is able to change the amount of points required to end the game by typing "!end" in the chat.

Shooting the Moon

Shooting the moon is the high risk, high reward part of Hearts. If at the end of the trick, one person has accumulated all 13 hearts and the Queen of Spades, their points are reset to 0 and every other player in the game receives 26 points.

The end of the game

It's possible that by the time a player reaches 100 points, two players are tied for the lowest amount of points. If this happens, and one player is a computer, then the human wins. If both players are humans, then the game is declared as a draw, and a new game begins.