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Revision as of 14:35, 1 July 2020 by DonQuijote (talk | contribs)
Korisnik sa uključenim Invisible.

Invisible power omogućava ownerima skrivanje od nižih rangova (tj. owneri mogu vidjeti druge nevidljive ownere, ali ne mogu vidjeti nevidljive main ownere) i još uvijek će moći da vide chat poruke. Power automatski radi dok je omogućen.

If you send a message in the main chat, your invisibility will be broken and users will be able to see you again. However, sending a message in a private message, private chat, or performing a chat action will not break your invisibility. To become invisible again, sign out and back in.

While on the HTML5 version of xat, it is possible to see another user's invisible pawn. This functionality does not translate over to the Flash version.