Rules:Assistance/da: Difference between revisions

From xat wiki
(Created page with "At opfører sig på en måde, der forstyrrer driften af chatten kan resultere i et forbud (ban). At have debatter om emner, som politik, er acceptabel, så længe diskussioner...")
(Created page with "Du må ikke troll, poste nedværdigende (inflammatory) bemærkninger, eller facilitate drama.")
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|rule14d=At opfører sig på en måde, der forstyrrer driften af chatten kan resultere i et forbud (ban). At have debatter om emner, som politik, er acceptabel, så længe diskussionerne er civile. I overensstemmelse med den første regel kan sådanne emner standses, hvis det skønnes, at sådanne emner forstyrre for meget med at hjælpe. Uenighed i udtalelsen, eller endda konstruktiv kritik, bør ikke betragtes som forstyrende, men at sende hadefulde eller voldige kommentarer vil ikke blive tolereret.
|rule14d=At opfører sig på en måde, der forstyrrer driften af chatten kan resultere i et forbud (ban). At have debatter om emner, som politik, er acceptabel, så længe diskussionerne er civile. I overensstemmelse med den første regel kan sådanne emner standses, hvis det skønnes, at sådanne emner forstyrre for meget med at hjælpe. Uenighed i udtalelsen, eller endda konstruktiv kritik, bør ikke betragtes som forstyrende, men at sende hadefulde eller voldige kommentarer vil ikke blive tolereret.
|rule15=Do not troll, post inflammatory remarks, or facilitate drama
|rule15=Du må ikke troll, poste nedværdigende (inflammatory) bemærkninger, eller facilitate drama.
|rule15d=Only ask questions related to xat. Since this is a chat where users receive assistance, there is little room for trolling or posting inflammatory remarks. We understand that users may have light-hearted fun by saying they need help and then asking a question not related to xat. This is not considered trolling. However, there are some cases to look out for. If this type of behavior becomes excessive or drawn out, or if the user has an obvious intent to annoy others or disrupt the chat, or if the user is being overly-obnoxious, they may be asked to stop. Posting things for obvious shock-value (something that may be seen as highly disgusting or angering) is considered overly-obnoxious and will not be allowed and can be considered trolling. Facilitating drama is also not allowed. This should primarily discourage negative discussion about occurrences or operations at other groups, unless a user is requesting assistance for dealing with such situations. Finally, do not repeatedly ask the same question after the question has been answered.
|rule15d=Only ask questions related to xat. Since this is a chat where users receive assistance, there is little room for trolling or posting inflammatory remarks. We understand that users may have light-hearted fun by saying they need help and then asking a question not related to xat. This is not considered trolling. However, there are some cases to look out for. If this type of behavior becomes excessive or drawn out, or if the user has an obvious intent to annoy others or disrupt the chat, or if the user is being overly-obnoxious, they may be asked to stop. Posting things for obvious shock-value (something that may be seen as highly disgusting or angering) is considered overly-obnoxious and will not be allowed and can be considered trolling. Facilitating drama is also not allowed. This should primarily discourage negative discussion about occurrences or operations at other groups, unless a user is requesting assistance for dealing with such situations. Finally, do not repeatedly ask the same question after the question has been answered.

Revision as of 00:11, 31 December 2015

Assistance/da Rules

xat Assistance er en chat for brugere til at modtage hjælp i deres foretrukne sprog. For at give den bedste mulige oplevelse for alle besøgende, har vi listet en række retningslinjer nedenfor, hver bruger skal følge. Retningslinjer gælder for alle elementer i chatten.
1. Alle sprog er tilladt. 
Dette er en internationale chat, derfor er ethvert sprog tilladt , så længe det er hensigtsmæssigt.
2. At hjælpe har den vigtigste prioritet. 
Generelle emner er tilladt, men at hjælpe har højeste prioritet. Hvis generelle emner, skønnes forstyrrende til at hjælpe, kan du blive bedt om at flytte samtalen til en privat chat.
3. Være respektfuld og ikke chikanere eller diskriminere. 
Vi tillader ikke chikane, diskriminerende bemærkninger eller nedværdigende slang. Sige ikke noget, der kan fornærme nogen, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, flaming en person, gruppe eller chat.
4. Send ikke upassende indhold. 
Transmission af materiale af en uhensigtsmæssig karakter er ikke tilladt. Dette omfatter seksualiserede billeder, smiley kombinationer eller tændstikmænd. Uprofessionel adfærd som at bande eller flirte er ikke tilladt. Censurere et bandeord ved at skrive bandeord med et par udeladte tegn eller asterisker er ikke tilladt. Diskussion af meget farlige eller ulovlige lægemidler (i henhold til US / UK lov) er ikke tilladt. Dette indebærer moderator skøn.
5. Annoncere ikke ikke-kreative indhold eller websites. 
Generelt er posting af billeder, videoer eller andre kreative indhold tilladt, så længe indholdet kommer fra en mainstream hjemmeside som YouTube eller Imgur. Linke til ting fra forumet xat eller enhver xat fan site er også acceptabel. Anden reklame er ikke tilladt, undtagen på en brugers hjemmeside. Tegning af tegn til en hjemmeside er ikke tilladt, medmindre indholdet på hjemmesiden er indhold der kan postes på den main chat.
6. Efterlige ikke andre brugere. 
Du må ikke udgive dig for at være andre brugere, som xat personale, frivillige, eller hjælpene (Assistance) personale. Forklædt som en anden bruger til at få dem sparket eller smidt ud (banned)er ligeledes ikke tilladt. Efterligning er ikke nødvendigvis at bruge samme navn og avatar som en anden bruger. Et eksempel på efterligningen er, når en bruger siger de er en anden bruger og forsøger at opføre sig som dem, der kan omfatte brug af anden person navn og avatar.
7. Anmode ikke om højere rank. 
At bede om at blive medlem eller få rank er ikke tilladt. Positioner på Assistance kan kun optjenes. Du kan finde flere oplysninger ved at klikke på here.
8. Du må ikke tigge og bede om gratis produkter 
At tigge om xats, dage eller krafter (powers) vil ikke blive tolereret. Du kan enten købe xats eller deltag i konkurrencer hostet på community forum.
9. Spamming er ikke tilladt. 
Smiley spam is over four smileys in a message, or over six in a name. However, each user is allowed to use as many num or count smileys in their name as they want, but only for letters and counting. If others report lag, the user may be asked to change their name. Sending several consecutive messages with little content is considered flooding and is not permitted. Adding extra characters to a word is fine, to a reasonable extent. A moderator will warn you if they deem your messages to resemble messages of spam. Constantly clicking someone, resulting in tickle spam, is not permitted. Constantly erasing doodles is also not allowed. Constantly posting music lyrics is not permitted.
10. Brugen af Size og Big er begrænset. 
Brug ikke den størrelse magt over niveau w7 eller w77. Navne med smileys kan overskride denne grænse til et rimeligt omfang, men kan ikke overlappe tekst eller navne. Brug af størrelse og store (kombineret) ovenfor størrelse niveau w6 eller w66 er ikke tilladt.
11. Anmode om og reagere på bistand på en høflig måde 
As outlined in the Terms of Service, users who request or respond to support should do so in a courteous manner. The users providing assistance at the Assistance chat do so on a voluntary basis and work to give each guest a fair and positive experience. Publicly complaining about the actions of a moderator is not acceptable, and any issues should be brought up to the Main Owner, which can be done by clicking here. All feedback sent through that channel is read.
12. Falsk hjælp og falske rapporter kan resultere i et forbud 
Providing false help to a user seeking assistance is not permitted. If it appears that a user is providing false help with ill-intent or in an obviously jokingly way, that user may be banned immediately. Simple mistakes, mostly due to outdated information, may result in a warning or correction. Additionally, if a user reports another user with non-genuine proof, the reporting user may be banned forever.
13. Sælger eller handel er generelt ikke tilladt, med få undtagelser 
Brugere kan anmode om at købe abonnent dage, men kun hvis brugeren er ude af abonnent dage. Alle andre handel bør forekomme på Handel chat. Køb eller salg xats, dage, beføjelser, identifikationsnumre eller grafik er kun tilladt i statusmeddelelser. Tegning af skiltene til en status med den hensigt at bringe opmærksomhed til salget af en vare, der typisk er forbudt på main chatten er det heller ikke tilladt. Køber eller sælger nogen anden vare eller tjenesteydelse er forbudt. Købe og salg af XAT produkter til off-site valuta er forbudt.
14. Forstyrrer ikke driften af chatten. 
At opfører sig på en måde, der forstyrrer driften af chatten kan resultere i et forbud (ban). At have debatter om emner, som politik, er acceptabel, så længe diskussionerne er civile. I overensstemmelse med den første regel kan sådanne emner standses, hvis det skønnes, at sådanne emner forstyrre for meget med at hjælpe. Uenighed i udtalelsen, eller endda konstruktiv kritik, bør ikke betragtes som forstyrende, men at sende hadefulde eller voldige kommentarer vil ikke blive tolereret.
15. Du må ikke troll, poste nedværdigende (inflammatory) bemærkninger, eller facilitate drama. 
Only ask questions related to xat. Since this is a chat where users receive assistance, there is little room for trolling or posting inflammatory remarks. We understand that users may have light-hearted fun by saying they need help and then asking a question not related to xat. This is not considered trolling. However, there are some cases to look out for. If this type of behavior becomes excessive or drawn out, or if the user has an obvious intent to annoy others or disrupt the chat, or if the user is being overly-obnoxious, they may be asked to stop. Posting things for obvious shock-value (something that may be seen as highly disgusting or angering) is considered overly-obnoxious and will not be allowed and can be considered trolling. Facilitating drama is also not allowed. This should primarily discourage negative discussion about occurrences or operations at other groups, unless a user is requesting assistance for dealing with such situations. Finally, do not repeatedly ask the same question after the question has been answered.
16. All visitors must use a name of reasonable length or size 
Visitors are required to use a name of reasonable length or size. Using a visible smiley as a name is acceptable. Moderators have the ability to use their own discretion when determining if a name is appropriate. Generally, using even a letter is fine. Using just a period, for example, is an example of an unreasonable name.
17. Do not discuss hacking or related activities 
The discussion of hacking is strictly prohibited. A user requesting help on being hacked or compromised is acceptable.
18. Providing insincere or ineffective help is not allowed 
If you decide to provide assistance to a user, it should not be done in an insincere way. If this were allowed, it would appear unprofessional and non-genuine. One example is simply telling a user to look at the wiki, hoping they will just find what they need. If you are not prepared to help others, then avoid helping. Simply pointing to a linked word or wiki article alone is also unprofessional and may appear non-genuine. Explaining how the guest can be better helped by viewing the resource, and explaining what the resource is for, is sufficient.
19. Making fun of users for purchasing xat products, or attempting to earn rank, is not allowed 
Visitors do not come to Assistance to be berated for their purchases, so do not make fun of users for purchasing xat products. Do not make fun of users who appear to be attempting to become a member at Assistance. Their efforts are appreciated.
20. Moderators and owners have the final say in classifying offensive material 
Since Assistance allows all languages, it is not possible to list every offensive term or phrase. For minor instances of inappropriate behavior, the user will be told to stop or will be kicked, based on the judgement of the moderators or owners who are witnessing the behavior. If you disagree with the way a moderator or owner deals with a situation, wait until a person of higher rank is available to resolve your complaint or request.
21. Obey the xat Terms of Service 
Failure to comply with the Terms of Service agreement may result in a ban. The following topics are major areas to be aware of: Exposing personal information, abusing or teaching glitches, and phishing or scamming. Linking to, discussing, or even mentioning private servers of any kind is not permitted, especially ones that involve xat.


  • A full reason is required for each kick. Moderators always need to include a reason when banning. The only exception is when you are banning raid bots.
  • If a raid is occurring, use the /p protect mode. If that fails, use the /pr mode. Do not use protect if a user is unbanning themselves.
  • If a user breaks a rule while seeking assistance, give them more leniency than someone who is here to just chat about general topics.
  • Include rule violation information in kick reasons so that users can correct their behavior. Do not just give a directive and hope they understand their wrongdoing.
  • A ban should not be issued if a user leaves the chat but would normally get kicked for the committed offense.
  • Users are allowed to test smiley combinations at a minimal level as long as it does not disrupt normal helping operations.
  • Unprofessional conduct at other chats may put you at risk for getting demoted at Assistance. This is handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • You must be active in order to maintain your position. Activity is measured by how often you help, not by recorded events.
  • Consult a user of equal or higher rank when deciding to demote someone. In cases of clear abuse, you can demote immediately.
  • Do not ban for long periods of time for measly reasons. A day-long ban may not necessarily be fair for all rule violations. Think carefully about what is fair and appropriate.
  • Owners may not mute people for petty things (such as smiley spam).
  • Do not kick banned users unless they are rapidly clicking you.
  • While an owner’s primary responsibility is making sure that other staff members effectively help and enforce rules, owners are still required to help.
  • Bans issued by the bot should be verified. If the user needs help, consider unbanning them.
  • Moderators are required to give proof for violations that occur in the moderator’s private chat.
  • Staff is encouraged to use translator to detect inappropriate messages in other languages easily.