
From xat wiki
Revision as of 20:08, 23 August 2016 by Ethan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*'''<>''' - Muove il frame indietro e in avanti.")

Stick è un power che ti permette di creare animazioni stickman personalizzate.


Mentre sei in chat, clicca Games a sinistra e stick dalle opzioni date.

  • Trascina i cerchi blu per muovere il corpo dello stickman.
  • Clicca new frame e dopo muovi di un po' lo stickman per creare una animazione.

Una volta finito, clicca Post in basso a destra per inserirlo in chat e premi invio per mostrarlo alla gente.


Ecco ogni pulsante e cosa fa:

  • <> - Muove il frame indietro e in avanti.
  • Onion - Show the "onion", aka "ghost", of your previous frames.
  • Play/Stop - Plays/Stops the preview panel (right panel), showing your smilie.
  • 1, 1/2 and 1/4 - Changes how fast the stickman moves in the preview panel.
  • New Frame - Creates a new frame.
  • Delete Frame - Deletes current frame selected.
  • Snap - Makes the stickman snap to the state he was in in the previous frame.
  • Default - Makes the stickman go back to the default standing position.
  • Primary: Rotate/Stretch - Selects what happens when you click and drag the stickman's "muscles". Either it'll move it (default) , or stretch it, depending on what you click.
  • Secondary: Nearest/Position - Chooses what happens to the stickmans other "muscles" when you drag one. Either the other muscles will move (Nearest), or will stay in the same state (Position).
  • At end: Reverse/Loop - Selects what happens when the animation ends. Either it reverses, or just starts from the beginning.
  • Copy - Copies the smilie code to your clipboard.
  • Reset - Resets the stickman to his default position. There is no undo!
  • Post - Automatically puts the smilie into the message box on the chat.