
From xat wiki
Revision as of 11:19, 15 July 2015 by Ethan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Se non giochi dopo il conto alla rovescia la mossa avverrà automaticamente")
  • Il power Switch ti permette di iniziare e controllare il gioco. Il power non è richiesto per giocare.
  • Ogni partita ha il proprio master (persona che avvia il gioco) e può avere fino a QUATTRO giocatori.
  • Per impostare un prezzo, assicurati di avere usato !start e di aver aggiunto almeno un'altra persona al gioco
  • Le quote dei premi sono controllate dal master del gioco.
  • Per impostare un premio, trasferisci le xats al GameBot e scrivi !prize [quota] es. !prize 25 imposterà un premio di 25 xats
  • Scrivi !start di nuovo o !play per riprendere il gioco
  • Il premio viene assegnato quando la partita è finita e la persona che gioca la sua ultima carta vince.


  • Per giocare a questo gioco, chiama il GameBot nella tua chat usando !bot
  • Scrivi !start (in pubblica) - inizia un gioco con voi come master
  • Contatta in privato 3 giocatori e clicca sul loro xavi (nel gioco) Questo li aggiungerà nel gioco
  • Scrivi !play (in pubblica) per far partire il gioco
  • Scrivi !pause (in pubblica) per mettere in pausa il gioco
  • Se nessuno è assegnato, le mosse saranno automatiche
  • Se non giochi dopo il conto alla rovescia la mossa avverrà automaticamente
  • If you meet the sufficient rank for bot controller, you can start another game by doing !start (i.e multiple games of switch can be run on the same bot)


  • Each player at his turn may play any card from his hand that matches the suit or the rank of the card previously played. For example, if the previous card was a eight of hearts, the next player may put down any eight card, or any hearts card, from his hand. If the player does not have any available cards to play, they must pick up one card.

Power Cards

  • 2: If a player places a two (of any suit) down, the next player is required to pick up two cards. If the next player also has a 2, they can place it down, requiring the next player to pick up four. If the next player also has a two, he may place it, requiring the next player to pick up six. This may continue until the flow reaches a player who does not have a two in his hand, at which point he is required to pick up the required number of cards. A player that draws cards after a two has been played is not permitted to put any more cards down.
  • 8: The next player misses their turn, unless the next player also has an eight. If they do, they can play it and it will continue on until it reaches someone without an eight, and then it will skip their turn.
  • King: King reverses the play direction
  • Black Jack: When the Black Jack is played, the following player must pick up 5 or play another Black Jack and the following player must then pick up 10. If you have both Black Jacks then you can play both of them at the same time, to then cause the next person to pick up ten.
  • Red Jack: This is best used when a Black Jack is played as this will cancel the pick up 5 rule, although 1 Red Jack will only cancel out one Black Jack, so if 2 Black Jacks have been played then you will have to still pick up 5 unless you have the 2 Red Jacks which will then cancel out both Black Jacks.
  • Ace: can be played regardless of the suit or value of the topmost card on the deck, the Ace may be played at any time in the game. When an ace is played, the player has the option to change the suit that is played next.
  • Black Queen: changes your hand to the person left of you.