
From xat wiki
Revision as of 10:14, 22 August 2015 by Andre (talk | contribs) (using parser functions, no need for r attributes nor for other disabling attributes anymore; switching from table layout to containers)


  • header - add important message at the very top of the rules
  • header2 - adds message right after with underline attribute (optional)
  • languages - value yes, if rules are translatable
  • rules - list of rules (optional, see below for rule spoilers)
  • staff - notes to staff members (optional)
  • extra - something extra that needs mentioning, see Trade Chat for example (optional)

Having the staff attribute not included might be what you're after, if you have rules that are not in english. Information about staff can in that situation be included under attribute extra (see Rules:Fundos for an example).

Optional: If you wish, you could have your rules expand to save space (see Rules:Help for an example)


  • rule# - Short introduction of a rule
  • rule#d - More detailed version of a rule


  • |rule=No profanity.
  • |ruled=Now here I explain in detail what words and situations apply to this rule.