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(Created page with "Dopušteno vam je samo ''' jedan''' otvoren ticket po računu. Ako već imate otvoren ticket, ali zahtijevate još jedan, možete odgovoriti na postojeći ticket s informacij...")
(Created page with "'''Molimo vas zapamtite: morate biti plaćeni korisnik za otvaranje ticketa kod pojedinih tema''' (pogledaj tabelu ispod). Plaćeni korisnik smatra se kao netko tko je kupio x...")
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Dopušteno vam je samo ''' jedan'''  otvoren ticket po računu. Ako već imate otvoren ticket, ali zahtijevate još jedan, možete odgovoriti na postojeći ticket s informacijama o pitanju koje imate, pazeći da napišete da je to odvojeno pitanje ili možete kontaktirati [[Special:MyLanguage/Volunteers|Volontere ]] da vam otvore još jedan ticket.
Dopušteno vam je samo ''' jedan'''  otvoren ticket po računu. Ako već imate otvoren ticket, ali zahtijevate još jedan, možete odgovoriti na postojeći ticket s informacijama o pitanju koje imate, pazeći da napišete da je to odvojeno pitanje ili možete kontaktirati [[Special:MyLanguage/Volunteers|Volontere ]] da vam otvore još jedan ticket.

'''Please note: you must be a PAID USER to open a ticket under some help topics''' (view table below). A paid user is considered as someone who has bought xats from the xat buy (xat.com/buy) page.
'''Molimo vas zapamtite: morate biti plaćeni korisnik za otvaranje ticketa kod pojedinih tema''' (pogledaj tabelu ispod). Plaćeni korisnik smatra se kao netko tko je kupio xats iz stranice za trgovinu (xat.com/buy).

If you are not a paid user, you may go to https://xat.com/support and register on the forum (Top Right > Sign Up). Then, you may ask a question in the general support section. Or, you can ask a question on the help (xat.com/help) chat.
If you are not a paid user, you may go to https://xat.com/support and register on the forum (Top Right > Sign Up). Then, you may ask a question in the general support section. Or, you can ask a question on the help (xat.com/help) chat.

Revision as of 16:10, 31 May 2018

Xat ticket je sistem podrške za korisnike da komuniciraju sa xat volonterima i/ili administratorima koji se tiču njihovog računa ili bilo kakvih pitanja ili nedoumica koje mogu imati.

Ticket sistem je otvoren za sve registrovane korisnike.

Trenutno xat ticket sistem ne podržava jezike koji osim engleskog. To znači da ticket i odgovori moraju biti poslani na engleskom jeziku ili mogu biti zanemareni. Možete koristiti prevoditelj. Pazite da upišete potpune i sažete rečenice kako bi prevoditelj funkcionisao ispravno.

Kreiranje Ticketa

Da bi kreirali ticket, idite na https://util.xat.com/support/open.php.

Ako ste prijavljeni, vaš xat ID automatski će biti prikazan u obrascu "xat username". Ako se ne možete prijaviti, jednostavno unesite adresu e-mail adresu povezanu s vašim xat računom u obrazac. Međutim, neke teme zahtijevaju da se prijavite (pogledajte tabelu u nastavku). U tom slučaju možete otvoriti ticket na zamjenskom računu. Da biste saznali kako napraviti alternativni račun, pročitajte članak New ID.

U sljedećem polju upišite svoju xat.com lozinku za odgovarajuće korisničko ime. U polju "Help Topic" odaberite temu iz padajućeg izbornika koji se odnosi na vaš problem (pogledajte primjer 1).

Template:Img is only allowed in User: namespace. Use [[File:]] (more on that here) or Template:Gallery on articles instead.

Kada to završite, unesite subject za ticket (npr.: I am locked out of my account). Provjerite da vaš subject ima najmanje 5 riječi.

Posljednje polje (Message) služi za objašnjenje problema s kojim imate ili za što vam je potrebna pomoć. Primjer bi bio: "Moj ID-a 12345678 je zaključan, molim vas ažurirajte moju lokaciju." Morate staviti opisno objašnjenje problema koji imate. Ako ste zaključani, navedite sve pojedinosti koji će vam pomoći da potvrdite da ste vlasnik računa. Te pojedinosti mogu uključivati vašu staru IP adresu, naziv računa i ID broj, broj xats/days na vašem računu, internet provajder, prethodna lokacija itd.

Zatim kliknite na "Open Ticket" i strpljivo čekajte odgovor. Bit ćete obavješteni preko e-mail adrese.

Ako se u međuvremenu pojave nove korisne informacije ili ako ste zaboravili uključiti nešto unutar poruke, možete odgovoriti na svoj ticket.

Dopušteno vam je samo jedan otvoren ticket po računu. Ako već imate otvoren ticket, ali zahtijevate još jedan, možete odgovoriti na postojeći ticket s informacijama o pitanju koje imate, pazeći da napišete da je to odvojeno pitanje ili možete kontaktirati Volontere da vam otvore još jedan ticket.

Molimo vas zapamtite: morate biti plaćeni korisnik za otvaranje ticketa kod pojedinih tema (pogledaj tabelu ispod). Plaćeni korisnik smatra se kao netko tko je kupio xats iz stranice za trgovinu (xat.com/buy).

If you are not a paid user, you may go to https://xat.com/support and register on the forum (Top Right > Sign Up). Then, you may ask a question in the general support section. Or, you can ask a question on the help (xat.com/help) chat.

Help Topic Details

Below is a table with information regarding what help topics require you to be logged in and which require you to be a paid user:

Help topic: Description: Paid users only: Must be logged in:
A General Question or Concern Submit General Support Questions here. If you are unsure about what section to use submit here. Yes.png Yes.png
Account Block If you receive system error 25/55 when trading/transferring or if your account is held for more than 7 days or if your account has been deleted or if your xatspace/profile has been deleted. No.png No.png
Account Hold If your account is held less than 7 days. No.png Yes.png
Chat Block If your chat has been blocked from promotion, or has all of its content removed. No.png Yes.png
Domain Unblock If you need a domain unblocked via linkvalidator, or below your chat. Yes.png Yes.png
Email Change / Hint If you need an email change on an account that you can log into. For security reasons, you can only update to a Gmail address at this time. No.png Yes.png
Location Update If you need a location or IP address update to use account locking. No.png Yes.png
Locked Out If you have been locked out of your account. No.png No.png
Lost Access If you lost access to your account by forgetting the email and password, or by forgetting the password and losing access to the email. No.png Yes.png
Lost Auth If you have lost access to your authenticator code and you are unable to generate auth codes to sign into your account. No.png No.png
Payment Problems Submit Payment Problems here e.g. Missing xats/days after purchase, Reserve Problems. Tickets about other problems will not be answered; if you are unsure about what section to use submit to "A General Question or Concern". Yes.png Yes.png
Report Phishing Site Report any phishing sites, private servers or any other website that is against the terms here. No.png Yes.png
Report Scam Open a ticket here if you have been scammed, phished or are missing any xats. Please include any evidence that you have in the ticket. No.png Yes.png
Short Names and Groups If you need a short name transferred or if you want a short name or a group put back up for sale. Yes.png Yes.png

Some help topics may be delayed. To view various statuses of the departments, read the Ticket times article.

Viewing and responding to an Open Ticket

To view a ticket you've created, go to https://xat.com/ticket and select "Check Status" (see example 2).

Template:Img is only allowed in User: namespace. Use [[File:]] (more on that here) or Template:Gallery on articles instead.
Template:Img is only allowed in User: namespace. Use [[File:]] (more on that here) or Template:Gallery on articles instead.

This will show your xat username with a message saying "Authentication Required". Enter your xat password and you will be lead to a list of your existing tickets (see example 3):

Select the ticket you would like to view. Here, you can either respond if your problem is not solved or if you still have any questions. If you feel that your ticket was fully answered, then the ticket is complete.

Another way you can check an existing ticket is through your email. You should have received an email from xat regarding a response to your ticket. Simply click the link provided in the email to access your ticket. Ensure you are checking the email associated to the xat account you created the ticket on.

Ticket Volunteers

To see a list of the current ticket volunteers, see the volunteers page.